General Membership
- Access to training sessions/documents on gut health by peers and new research.
- Listing of company on Gut Health SA website with bio of company (no products or services listed, no access to use the Gut Friendly Logo on products or services, unless endorsed).
- Gut Health SA membership can be mentioned on social media pages, website and printed materials (access to Member of Gut Health SA logo).
- Opportunities to promote your company at Gut Health SA events at reduced fees.
- Can submit content to Gut Health SA website, e.g., blogs, training, and Facebook group and page (posts subject to approval).
- Gut Health Business Community Support (networking).
- A social media post on the GHASA group and page when joining.
- Feature in the GHASA newsletter when joining.
- Access to events/talks with industry specialists or representatives to get information to benefit businesses, e.g. labelling (Department of Health).
- Added to members only WhatsApp group for announcements.
- Access to training – Food safety and business training – COMING SOON.
- Collective marketing – social media, PR, events, expo’s etc. Small businesses don’t have much advertising spend, but collectively we have a much bigger budget which will get us more awareness and marketing spend
Accredited Membership
Members need to apply for accreditation of their products or services which help consumers identify gut friendly products and services.
Gut Bar Market Traders
- Listed as a Gut Bar Market Trader on the Gut Health SA website.
- Market Traders can list their events on the Gut Health SA website events page and Gut Health SA facebook page and group.
- Recognisable branding (branding kit to be purchased).
View this Zoom session recording to tell you more about who we are.